Personal Illustration Series

I am both the Humpty and the Dumpty.
Have you ever felt like me?
Have you ever felt like me?

A long beaked mask
and cardboard wings,
Are just some ways of
putting on disguises.
You may think
they can help you to fly high.
But hiding yourself
will only make your heart cry.
and cardboard wings,
Are just some ways of
putting on disguises.
You may think
they can help you to fly high.
But hiding yourself
will only make your heart cry.

Put on your Humpty Dumpty,
To float on crazy waves safely.
Beware of catching a current of electricity,
Reports say that it can get rainy.
To float on crazy waves safely.
Beware of catching a current of electricity,
Reports say that it can get rainy.

I am humpty and dumpty for my branches
Pick me up while I'm still hanging on
Before my legs get tired and rotten
Before I fall on the cold hard ground
Pick me up while I'm still hanging on
Before my legs get tired and rotten
Before I fall on the cold hard ground

Things get high and low,
You try to play your role.
It sad, grimm and such a bore,
But the carnival is here, so hide your core.
You try to play your role.
It sad, grimm and such a bore,
But the carnival is here, so hide your core.