Concept Design / 2022
Lost in Translation Workshop w/ Serge Rompza
ELISAVA Editorial Design Masters
We Broke Bread is a podcast developed as a part of Serge Rompza’s Lost in Translation workshop, the brief was to take an artwork and turn it into something else.
Main idea of the project is inspired by Nadine Labaki’s film “Where Do We Go Now” and how the cultural/ethnic/religious/racial differences cause divisions within the society.
Being from Turkey, a country with a lot of shared culture and divisive history with its neighbours was the starting point. Having a bloody past with cultures that enriches your own is something almost all of us have in common. Even though people manage to make peace with it and bury the hatchet they’re always triggered by the politics.
The pilot episode of “We Broke Bread” is focusing on how food brings people together. An easy recipe can be something in common between two countries from different continents. A conversation with Dilara Hadroviç.
Main idea of the project is inspired by Nadine Labaki’s film “Where Do We Go Now” and how the cultural/ethnic/religious/racial differences cause divisions within the society.
Being from Turkey, a country with a lot of shared culture and divisive history with its neighbours was the starting point. Having a bloody past with cultures that enriches your own is something almost all of us have in common. Even though people manage to make peace with it and bury the hatchet they’re always triggered by the politics.
The pilot episode of “We Broke Bread” is focusing on how food brings people together. An easy recipe can be something in common between two countries from different continents. A conversation with Dilara Hadroviç.